- Igbo Spirituality
-Living the ancient Igbo Hebraic way, in glorification of Chukwu Okike
- God the Creator of All, Chineke - God continues to Create, Ama Ama
Amasi Amasi - The Unknowable and Unfathomable One, Chi Ukwu - The
Supreme Being, Chi Ka - The Greatest or Supreme One, Yah Ka - Thou art
Supreme, Yah Nwe - Thou that Owns, Yah Nwe Uwa - Thou that Owns The
Universe, the Mighty Yah! A way of life that is completely and totally
based on truth - Eziokwu bu Ndu (Truth is the foundation of Life).
- Officiating in Weddings
- Officiating in Naming Ceremony
- Officiating in Rites of Passage
- Officiating in Purifications
- Lectures and Seminars
- Plays and Movie Productions
- Research interpretation of modern day problems (both scientific and non scientific) through the ancient Igbo worldview or prism.
- Workshops leadership, Igbo language, ancient Igbo philosophy, etc.