Leadership Series Text or Monogram

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Leadership Series
This monograph is dedicated to the following individuals and groups.
- To our ancestors who, through
the numerosity of their oral and written words, taught us a lot about
life and nature. They called humans mma ndu, beauty of life, and taught
us to appreciate the goodness humans embody as well as love of self,
family, and community. Numerous other positive legacies they left us,
values which reinforce and stabilize our culture, are embodied in
principles or sayings of wisdom, including ezi okwu bu ndu, true word is
life; ofo na ogu, the emblem
of authority for
the signification of righteousness; egbe belu ugo belu, live and let
live and the norm of equity; and odi bendi, the norm of deference to
other peoples practices and ways of life.
- To the memory of the 5 million
Igbos of all age and gender, soldiers as well as civilians, who lost
their lives defending Igboland against the genocidal war imposed upon us
by the government of Nigeria and its foreign allies in evilness.
- To the hundreds of thousands of
our people whose lives were cut short, the result of the pogrom
perpetrated against Igbos in parts of the country, particularly the
north, in 1966.
- To the government and peoples
of Tanzania, the Ivory Coast (today Coted Ivore), Gabon, and Haiti.
These countries all recognized Biafra's right to secession in the face
of her rejection by Nigeria and its independence as a sovereign
nation-state. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Their courageous
friendship gave us succor in our moment of need.
- To humanitarian organizations
like the World Council of Churches, and Caritas International. Be
assured that your works of mercies saved many lives in Biafra.
- To Igbos and friend of Igbos
like Mr. Frederick Forsyth, Count Von Rossen, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Dr
Akanu Ibiam, Dr. M.I. Okpara, Dr. Dennis Osadebe, Mazi Mbonu Ojike, Dr.
Okechukwu Ikejiani, Dr Pius Okigbo, Professor G. Ezekwe, Gen. Philip
Effiong and other individuals too numerous for mention who stood by
Biafra in her most trying moment.
- Last but not least, to
Chi-Ukwu, God Almighty, Ama Ama Amasi Amasi, the Unknowable and
Unfathomable but who knows and fathoms everything, for the miracle of
our survival in the twentieth century despite relentless,
well-orchestrated acts of violence against us.
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