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Muhammadu Buhari, Burutai and Partners Dragged to ICC Court in Hague

Are our Diaspora Igbo   leaders Enablers?

Ekwenche Article published a year ago. For your perusals and practical action. Please curse not even if you disagree.

What is happening today in Igboland was predicted years ago by Ekwe Nche Research Organization. Unfortunately, call for action failed on deaf ears as Igbo continued to place leadership on failed and diaspora community leaders. Let's take these issues one by one.

1. The ongoing land invasion by the Fulani Islamists and cattle rearers  did not come to us as a surprise. We wrote about it and even warned those internal collaborators assisting them in that exercise. We summoned a community meeting here in Chicago on April 16, 2016 (see the minutes) of the meeting, our people came danced around as usual left with a sorrow committees without urgent commitment as is required of a people whose house is on fire.

2. The issue of  Our people and governments allowing these people to parade our ancestral homeland with AK 47 unchallenged in the courts of law.  The people remained silent and cooperative with an invading group and an occupying police and military force. All the leadership in the land feigned ignorance and nonchalant, especially those community  leaders in Diaspora even when they were called to support civil and criminal suit to help expose the state actors and their enablers. Our state governments, local governments,  politicians and respective elders. Some of our lawyers became agents representing the parading groups. Who cursed our people and why? See Funding Justice Magazine published to help pay for the lengthy legal cost, most of the diaspora organizations seized the magazine and refused to pay for it. We go around parading as Christians, but the book of psalm chapter 82 vs 3-4, says, "Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hands of the wicked"

Meanwhile, some of these invaders serve as gatemen in our midst. We warned all then that it is an abomination to hand over your security to an avowed enemy of yours. We wondered why we have turned over our lives to our enemies and wondered what will become of our villages after sometime.  We also alerted our people that we must go back to agriculture and animal husbandry as Ndi Igbo in the past are the authorities in these fields. Our ancestors never imported food of any type. But Today, we depend on the north that had only farmed groundnut to supply us food.

Sensing weakness and naivete the Fulani and their allies from all over Africa have now invaded our land in mass.  They are occupying some towns and villages in greater numbers. The rate of deployment and subsequent occupation of these forces be it civilian, police, military and all federal security is rapid and fast; a closer examination will expose the nonrandom nature of a well-intentioned and structured occupation showing clear-cut aggressive intention. Strategically they have as well veered into our farmlands and forests as well. Some of these forests are intentionally been destroyed, polluting the land, killing our farmers and raping our women. Meanwhile we are been castrated in the open. Those who claim Igbo leadership are inept and have in the last twenty something years representing themselves and their families. These invaders show no fear nor respect for our representatives. They are carrying out all these atrocities in our face. All we do is talk and hand wrench and only pray but God is asking you to rescue the weak how do you want to do the work of God? Our fight is in the internet where we talk big, render no solutions and have incessant number of unending meetings.

Today, Ekwe Nche Organization now alerts all that the worst is about to happen. We are again sounding the ekwe. Our's is a knowledge of data management and interpretation coupled with the gift of third EYE. For all these years our batting average has been 100%.

Ndi Igbo, it is clear that the solution to our problems are in our hands. We mean in the hands of the ordinary people. We remind you all that it was  Ekwe Nche  group that challenged Buhari and his collaborators on the abominable killings of our young in the name of python dance here in the US court. May we remind you that EKWE NCHE instituted another criminal proceeding against the government in the international criminal court ICC just with the assistance of a few of you. This recourse has served dual purposes. Nigeria is under the microscope. Secondly, it has resulted in the reluctance of a total military deployment against our young men. Now these detractors have invaded through another informal army. They are using the herds men, and other available trained group Enough said. It is important you all support our next phase of actions. The solution is in your hands. Don't sit this out. There is a time for talk and radio announcement, there is also a time to talk less and act more.  We know what time it is now. Make your commitment to the cause not by talking but by acting. Please visit:

www.ekwenche.org and be counted. It is a "We" tradition based on truth, honesty and careful planning. Don't postpone your commitment because time is of the essence, you must act now. And catch the proverbial black goat in the day time.

Education Action Committee
Ekwe Nche Organization.

   Join Us For A Global Day of Unity Every Tuesday.

Dear Ekwe Nche Website Visitors,    In this time of uncertainty, there's a fundamental truth that gives us hope - that together we can do extraordinary things. Over the past few weeks and months, the entire world has been coming together to stand up, help out, give back, and heal. Whether that's through donations to community organizations, celebrating doctors and nurses at shift changes, or reaching out to a neighbor to help with groceries, generosity has been helping the entire world get through this global pandemic together.      On Tuesdays, Ekwenche.org is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow,  a global day of unity and giving. As you know, our organization Ekwe Nche as a research institute is conducting a research to ascertain and facilitate accurate dissemination of information to actively stop all forms and acts of genocide, we also seek legal relief to the victims of state sponsored tortures and extrajudicial killings.
But we can't do this without you!     Not only do we need your support, we need your help to spread the word. Please tell your friends and family why you believe in our work and encourage them to support us too!     Join the movement Now! Bookmark our donate link today: and click here to learn about other ways you can participate in the  #GivingTuesdayNow movement.   Thank you for being a part of Ekwenche Team.  
Hope you are healthy and safe.   
Ekwenche Organization

Click here: Intersociety Has Done Igbos & Easterners Proud By Its Recent Reports On Insecurity In Eastern Nigeria,  Says - EKWE NCHE Research Institute.

Click on this Petition to Support United Nation Ethnic Nationalities Rights In Nigeria. It requires filling your name, e-mail address, option your country and phone number,


buhari, brutau at icc criminal court

  EKWENCHE Research Institute (USA) & US Law Firm (Bruce Fein) Submit The Names Of Buhari, Buratai, & Other Accomplices For Trial At ICC Over Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity In Eastern Nigeria Chicago, Illinois, USA: 15th February 2019-The EKWENCHE Research Institute in Chicago, Illinois, USA, through the Law Firm of Fein & DelValle PLLC, Washington, D.C., USA, have successfully dragged and submitted the names of President Muhammadu Buhari and Nigerian Army Chief of Staff, Tukur Yusuf Buratai, a Lt Gen and other accomplices including Govs William Obiano and Okezie Ikpeazu of Anambra and Abia States; former Nigerian Inspectors Gen of Police, Solomon Arase and Ibrahim Idris and former Director Gen of SSS, Lawan Musa Daura, etc to the Chief Prosecutor of ICC, Madam Fatou Bensouda.The successful filing of criminal complaint was done on 11thFebruary 2019 at the Office of the ICC Prosecutor in the Netherlands and in accordance with Article 15 of the ICC Statute of 1998. Owing to overwhelming evidence earlier submitted, Mr. Bruce Fein (former Associate Attorney Gen of USA) and his associate, Mr. Bruce DelValle were graciously invited by the Chief Prosecutor (Ms. Fatou Bensouda) to her office in the Netherlands to make their formal presentation and filing of other necessary documentations. The eloquent and erudite Law Firm was accompanied to the Netherlands by Prof Justin Akujieze (President of EKWENCHE Research Institute and Mr. Luke Nwannunu, Chair of the Genocide Legal Committee of our Institute/Organization).The submission of the perpetrators names and filing of the criminal complaint were in response to Nigerian Government ordered genocide and crimes against humanity perpetrated or committed against defenseless citizens of

Igbo origin in Eastern Nigeria. The horrendous crimes were committed in non war situation without any form of justification under Nigeria’s extant laws and international laws including treaty laws signed and ratified by the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


1.      An extract from the filed criminal complaint, titled: a petition to open an investigation pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statue in the Int’l Criminal Court: The Prosecutor V. Muhammadu Buhari, Tukur Buratai & Ors: For Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Against the Igbo People & Biafrans.

2.      Photos taken outside the ICC Building on 11th February 2019 after the submission of the criminal complaint; showing Bruce Fein, Bruce DelValle of Fein & DelValle, PLLC, Washington, DC and Prof Akujieze and Mr. Luke Nwannunu of EKWENCHE Research Institute/Organization, Chicago, Illinois, USA

3.      The Youtube video link of post ICC visits special interview granted to the Offo-Na-Ogu Media Organization, Chicago, USA by Bruce Fein and Bruce DelValle (https://youtu.be/67DyXf0IOAk)

For More Information:

Contact: (a) Bruce Fein: bruce@feinpoints.com, Tele: 202.465.8727, Fax: 202.347.0130

(b) EKWENCHE Research Institute/Organization: Ekwenche@hotmail.com, Website: www.ekwenche.org  For: EKWENCHE Research Institute/Organization, Chicago, USA



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News From Biafra Land

Report/View Atrocities Commited to Your Loved One in Biafra by Buhari Govt

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[Igbo Nations Ekwe Nche]   B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G   NEWS!!!  Igbos Hate me Because of What I did to Them During Biafra War And I will Do It Again -Buhari on BBC Housa Service.

    Igbo Nations, Biafara, Igbo Biafara, Ndi Nche, Ekwe Nche, Ekwe Nche Japan, Ekwe Nche Washington, Ekwe Nche Canada, Ekwe Nche Enugu, Ekwe Ndigbo. Igbo philosophy, Omenala Igbo, Igbo civilization, Igbo spirituality, Igbo East, Igbo west, Igbo, Egbo, Ibo, Ebo, Hebo, Hegbo, Hebrew, Ebo Landing, Ibo Landing, Ibo lele, Igbo landing, African America, Caribbean Islands, South American Blacks, South America, Canadian Blacks, Hebrew Israelites.Egbo, Ibo, Ebo, Hebo, Hegbo, Hebrew, Ebo Landing, Ibo Landing.


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